We’ve made some cool changes to our Host Ratings system to better showcase how hosts are doing. These upgrades make sure we give credit where it’s due and consider the different needs of various cities.

Here’s the summary on what’s new:

      • Recent bookings have more weightage toward your ratings now.
      • This means your current performance has a bigger impact on your overall rating.
  • City-Specific consideration for New Hosts:

    Understanding that demand varies from city to city, we’ve adapted our approach to new host ratings. Based on thorough data analysis, we’ve set differentiated booking thresholds for Guest visible ratings: 5 rated bookings in major cities and 3 in smaller ones.

      • The minimum bookings needed for guests to see your ratings depend on the size of the city.
      • We did this by studying booking patterns in different places to keep things fair.
      • This way, hosts in big cities and small ones have a fair shot.
  • Tougher Cancellation Rules:

    We’ve observed the significant impact of host cancellations on guest experience. To mitigate this, we’ve revised our approach to cancellations in the ratings computation.

    • Canceling bookings too often hurts your ratings more now.
    • The first cancellation in 90 days gives you a 1-star rating, and the penalty gets stricter with more cancellations.
    • We did this to make sure hosts stick to their commitments and foster a reliable environment for guests.

These updates are part of our ongoing mission to make Zoomcar awesome for everyone. We hope they help hosts give top-notch service and make our community even more trustworthy.

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